HTTP Network Analysis Payload Blind SQL Injection

get a file chall :

we can see in the plain
strings logs

we can see if the logs is scrambled
Pasted image 20240229192346.png

but we can see the payload of sqli in the form username= lets extract it.


Url decode :


we can do in scripting , because we know the attacker using blind sql to get correct username and compare to spesific CHAR.

import io
import re
import urllib.parse

class Read():
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename

    # read a raw logs
    def read(self) -> io.TextIOWrapper:
        return open(self.filename, 'r', errors='ignore')
    # filter to get latest values of the secret data because this blind sqli
    def get_latest_values(self,l=list) -> dict:
        latest_values = {}
        for line in l:
            category, value = map(int, line.split(" : "))
            latest_values[category] = value

        return latest_values

def main():
    r = Read('logs')
    content =  
    output = []
    # filter only the payload
    username_payload = re.findall('username=(.*?)&submit=Login', content)
    for username in username_payload:
        username = urllib.parse.unquote(username)

        # separate secret data and the char 
        match = re.findall(r'substring\(secretdata,(.*?),1\)\+=\+CHAR\((.*?)\)', username)
        for secret, chars in match:
            output.append(f'{secret} : {chars}')

    latest_values = r.get_latest_values(output)
    for _, value in latest_values.items():
        print(f'{chr(int(value))}', end="")

if __name__ == "__main__":

just extract the correct chr. that is the latest values of the secretdata,iterator,1