HTTP Network Analysis Payload Blind SQL Injection
we can see in the plain
strings logs
we can see if the logs is scrambled
but we can see the payload of sqli in the form username= lets extract it.
Url decode :
we can do in scripting , because we know the attacker using blind sql to get correct username and compare to spesific CHAR.
import io
import re
import urllib.parse
class Read():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
# read a raw logs
def read(self) -> io.TextIOWrapper:
return open(self.filename, 'r', errors='ignore')
# filter to get latest values of the secret data because this blind sqli
def get_latest_values(self,l=list) -> dict:
latest_values = {}
for line in l:
category, value = map(int, line.split(" : "))
latest_values[category] = value
return latest_values
def main():
r = Read('logs')
content =
output = []
# filter only the payload
username_payload = re.findall('username=(.*?)&submit=Login', content)
for username in username_payload:
username = urllib.parse.unquote(username)
# separate secret data and the char
match = re.findall(r'substring\(secretdata,(.*?),1\)\+=\+CHAR\((.*?)\)', username)
for secret, chars in match:
output.append(f'{secret} : {chars}')
latest_values = r.get_latest_values(output)
for _, value in latest_values.items():
print(f'{chr(int(value))}', end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
just extract the correct chr. that is the latest values of the secretdata,iterator,1